Saturday, July 6, 2019

Number 10 Most Overrated Musical Act of All Time: Willie Nelson & Bruce Springsteen (tie)

Number 10: (Tie) Willie Nelson and Bruce Springsteen. These are tied because Bruce Springsteen is basically Willie Nelson for Yankees. Let’s be honest here. Does anyone really listen to Willie Nelson music hoping to hear something innovative or genius? Or do they just buy the t-shirts because it’s a way of showing the world that you’re part of the Sensitive Lefty Crowd so outnumbered in Texas? Very minimal musical ability on the part of the red-headed stranger…..he’s a writer, to be sure, but so was James Joyce. Doesn’t make him a musician or a great musical act. I appreciate his contributions to the Highwaymen and the big aesthetic shift that they represented in country music, but since he grew the hair out and decided to be more known for his scofflaw-ness than his talent, he’s really just the Texas Lefty version of Tupac—you have to like him to be in the “crowd.” Every four years, the media trots out old Willie and Kinky Friedman while they invite Wendy Davis or some other Communist onstage to create the myth that Texas is “going blue,” and it just further tarnishes any aspirations they might have toward actual musical excellence. Just inviting to the stage some Irish guy who took to calling himself “Beto” in a craven, cynical attempt to woo Latino votes doesn’t make you a great musician. Similarly, pretending to speak for the “common man” while preaching the same old Marxist tripe to them that promises to KEEP them down is not the same as being an actual artist.  Rule Numero Uno: if your "art" is didactic and preachy, it's probably not art at all. Overrated. 

Over-Ratedness Rating: 2/5 Miley Cyruses

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